Department profile
The Department of Communications, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, University of Žilina, is a profile department for the education of university experts in the field of information and communication technologies, postal services, technologies and electronic communications.
The direction of the department is focused on the education of experts for the needs of the business sphere, especially from the postal, financial, banking and electronic communications sectors. The department is the guarantor of accredited bachelor's study programs:
- Distribution technologies and services,
- Electronic business and management,
and engineering study programs:
- Postal engineering,
- Electronic business and management.
The department consists of three sections:
- Section of Technology and Communications,
- Section of Electronic Communications and Services,
- Section of Communications Economics.
The department has professors and associate professors who guarantee accredited study fields of bachelor's, engineering and doctoral studies and provide teaching in foreign languages for foreign students within the ERASMUS and CEEPUS projects.
The development of cooperation with renowned universities is also documented by the growing number of students completing part of their studies abroad. The connection with the internship is ensured by cooperation with representatives of the top management of relevant institutions, in the form of selection lectures, membership in examination commissions, management and reviews of bachelor's and master's theses.
Scientific-research activities are an integral part of the work of the department and determine the quality of the implemented educational activities. These activities are focused on:
- research in postal and electronic communications technologies, including process diagnostics and service quality assessment,
- research of manifestations of laws and regularities in post, electronic communications with special emphasis on modelling of development tendencies, regulation and deregulation,
- examination of entities operating in network markets,
- research into the role of infrastructure in the development process of regions and territories.
The pedagogical staff of the Department of Communications are members of national and international commissions, as well as members of editorial boards at home and abroad. They are involved in the solution of several international scientific-research and scientific-technical projects. The results of the solution are applied in publishing activities in the form of monographs, university textbooks and textbooks. The department, in cooperation with other entities, organizes regular international scientific conferences and meetings aimed at solving issues:
- globalization, liberalization and deregulation of the postal and electronic communications markets,
- company diagnostics, controlling and logistics,
- cross-border cooperation and Euroregions.
Technical support
In addition to university and faculty classrooms, the Department of Communications also uses its own laboratories, which are in rooms BF106, BF110, as well as the AIDC laboratory, to provide education. They specialize in teaching individual professional subjects, support research and, with their multimedia character, form the basis for further education of students and teachers of the department.
A multimedia workplace for the needs of disabled students was created within the department. It includes the MAGIC program, which allows you to enlarge the display and improve computer work. The creation of this workplace has made teaching and education accessible to students with disabilities.